
SQL Script

Indexes belonging to a tables

Tested on Oracle 8.0 Tested on Oracle 7.3

Updated : 1-June-1998
Version : 1.0


This script lists index details for a given table and index owner. Everyone should have a script that does this !


&tab_name - The table name that the index is on
&own - The index schema owner.

SQL Source

ACCEPT own PROMPT 'Enter value for index owner : '
ACCEPT tab_name PROMPT 'Enter value for index tables : '

col index_name form a25
col table_name form a10
col column_name form A25
col column_position form 99

break on table_name on index_name

select table_name, index_name, column_name ,column_position
from all_ind_columns
where table_name = UPPER('&tab_name')
and index_owner=UPPER('&own')
order by table_name, index_name,column_position;

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