
SQL Script

Show Average Row Length

Tested on Oracle 8.1

Updated : 03-Apr-2002
Version : 2.0


This script prompts for a table and then calculates the average row length. This is needed to size a table accurately. The usual method would be to run this against a small test database for each table you want to size and then use the calculation to size the production table. The 3 constants (UB1,UB4,SB2)are platform specific so double check then by querying table v$type_size on your platform.

If the tables statistics are available (from the ANALYZE) command, these statistics are used instead. This allows the script to be used on existing production databases.

This script also reports the average row length for indexes associated with the table.

NOTE : This script will not work for a table with columns defined as LONG


& tab - The table name
&owner - The Table Owner

SQL Source

set serveroutput on size 100000
set verify off

ACCEPT own PROMPT 'Enter value for owner (RETURN for ALL) > '
ACCEPT tab PROMPT 'Enter value for table name (RETURN for ALL) > '


colsize number DEFAULT 0;
avgrow number DEFAULT 0;
ind_avgrow number DEFAULT 0;

l_sql varchar2(2000);

UB1 CONSTANT number :=  1; /* Get from v$type_size for your platform */
UB4 CONSTANT number :=  4; /* Get from v$type_size for your platform */
SB2 CONSTANT number :=  2; /* Get from v$type_size for your platform */

CURSOR get_tabs IS SELECT owner,table_name,avg_row_len FROM all_tables 
		   WHERE table_name like UPPER('%&tab%')		   
                   AND OWNER NOT IN ('SYS','SYSTEM')
		   AND OWNER LIKE UPPER('%&own%') 		   
                   ORDER BY table_name;

CURSOR get_ind (p_tab_name all_indexes.table_name%TYPE
			,p_owner all_indexes.owner%TYPE) IS		
                SELECT * 		
                FROM all_indexes
		WHERE table_name = p_tab_name		
                AND owner = p_owner;

CURSOR get_ind_cols (p_index all_ind_columns.index_name%TYPE
			,p_tab_name all_ind_columns.table_name%TYPE
			,p_owner all_ind_columns.table_owner%TYPE) IS		
                SELECT ic.* , tc.avg_col_len
		FROM all_ind_columns ic, all_tab_columns tc
                WHERE ic.table_owner = tc.owner
                AND ic.table_name = tc.table_name
                AND ic.column_name = tc.column_name
                AND ic.table_name = p_tab_name		
                AND ic.table_owner = p_owner
		AND ic.index_name = p_index;

CURSOR get_cols (p_tab_name all_tables.table_name%TYPE
		,p_owner all_tab_columns.owner%TYPE) IS 		
                SELECT * 
                FROM all_tab_columns 
                WHERE table_name = p_tab_name		
                AND owner = p_owner;

FOR tab_rec IN get_tabs LOOP

-- Do the INDEXES First
FOR ind_rec IN get_ind(tab_rec.table_name,tab_rec.owner) LOOP  

   ind_avgrow := 0;

   FOR get_ind_col IN get_ind_cols (ind_rec.index_name
				   ,tab_rec.table_name,tab_rec.owner)   LOOP 
     IF get_ind_col.avg_col_len  IS NULL THEN

        -- Try and calculate the average row length using VSIZE 
        l_sql := 'select round(avg(nvl(vsize(' || get_ind_col.column_name ||
               '),0)))' || ' from ' || 
                   || ' where rownum < 1000000';

        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql INTO colsize ;

        colsize := get_ind_col.avg_col_len;

      END IF;

     ind_avgrow := ind_avgrow + colsize;    


    dbms_output.put_line ('Index '||ind_rec.index_name
                            ||' Avg Row Size = '||CEIL(to_char(ind_avgrow)) );


avgrow := UB1*3; /* row header */

IF tab_rec.avg_row_len IS NULL THEN

   -- Try and calculate the average row length using VSIZE 
   FOR get_col_rec IN get_cols (tab_rec.table_name,tab_rec.owner)   LOOP

     l_sql := 'select round(avg(nvl(vsize(' || get_col_rec.column_name ||
               '),0)))' || ' from ' || 

     EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql INTO colsize;

--Uncomment this to display the column vsize
--dbms_output.put_line (' Column '||get_col_rec.column_name
--                              ||' Col Size = '||to_char(colsize));

        avgrow := avgrow + colsize + SB2;



   avgrow := tab_rec.avg_row_len;


   dbms_output.put_line ('Table '||tab_rec.table_name
                                ||' Avg Row Size = '||CEIL(to_char(avgrow)));



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