August 22, 2007

Setting up Veritas Cluster server

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 5:54 pm

Install the VCS Packages after patching the server to appropriate/recommended Patch list.

VCS LICENSE KEY : !@$-@$%-(*&^-$%@-$%%-!

List of VCS Packages:

VRTSappqw VRTSvcs VRTSvcsqw
VRTScscm VRTSvcsag VRTSvcsw
VRTSgab VRTSvcsdc VRTSvlic
VRTSllt VRTSvcsmg VRTSweb
VRTSoraqw VRTSvcsmn VRTSperl VRTSvcsor

edit /etc/llthosts (on both servers - for a 2 node cluster)

0 hostd02
1 hostd03

edit /etc/llttab

set-node hostd03 #here the nodename will change with each host
set-cluster 54 #Set the appropriate cluster ID
link qfe1 /dev/qfe:1 - ether - - #heartbeat 1
link qfe5 /dev/qfe:5 - ether - - #heartbeat 2
link-lowpri qfe0 /dev/qfe:0 - ether - - #Low-pri heartbeat

Edit the /etc/gabtab file with

cat > /etc/gabtab <<EOGAB
gabconfig -c -n 2

#Here the number after the “-n” varies with the number of nodes in cluster

Edit the (/etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config) to match your reqs

##Only on the first/main server of the Cluster

##Start of

include “”
include “”

cluster OneBill_Prod (
UserNames = { admin = “cDRpdxPmHpzS.” }
Administrators = { admin }
CounterInterval = 5

system hostd02 (

system hostd03 (

group network_grp (
SystemList = { hostd02 = 0, hostd03 = 1 }
PrintTree = 0
Parallel = 1
AutoStartList = { hostd02, hostd03 }

NIC OneBillv1_nic (
Device = qfe0
NetworkType = ether

Phantom OneBillv1_phantom (

group oracle_grp (
SystemList = { hostd02 = 0, hostd03 = 1 }
PrintTree = 0
AutoStartList = { hostd02 }

DiskGroup orashrdg_dg (
DiskGroup = orashrdg

IP OneBillv1_vip (
Device = qfe0
Address = “
NetMask = “
IfconfigTwice = 1

Mount au1_mnt (
MountPoint = “/au1″
BlockDevice = “/dev/vx/dsk/orashrdg/au1″
FSType = vxfs
MountOpt = rw
FsckOpt = “-y”

Mount bu1_mnt (
MountPoint = “/bu1″
BlockDevice = “/dev/vx/dsk/orashrdg/bu1″
FSType = vxfs
MountOpt = rw
FsckOpt = “-y”

Mount u01_mnt (
MountPoint = “/au1″
BlockDevice = “/dev/vx/dsk/orashrdg/au1″
FSType = vxfs
MountOpt = rw
FsckOpt = “-y”

Mount bu1_mnt (
MountPoint = “/bu1″
BlockDevice = “/dev/vx/dsk/orashrdg/bu1″
FSType = vxfs
MountOpt = rw
FsckOpt = “-y”

Mount u01_mnt (
MountPoint = “/u01″
BlockDevice = “/dev/vx/dsk/orashrdg/u01″
FSType = vxfs
MountOpt = rw
FsckOpt = “-y”

Mount u02_mnt (
MountPoint = “/u02″
BlockDevice = “/dev/vx/dsk/orashrdg/u02″
FSType = vxfs
MountOpt = rw
FsckOpt = “-y”

Mount u03_mnt (
MountPoint = “/u03″
BlockDevice = “/dev/vx/dsk/orashrdg/u03″
FSType = vxfs
MountOpt = rw
FsckOpt = “-y”

Mount u04_mnt (
MountPoint = “/u04″
BlockDevice = “/dev/vx/dsk/orashrdg/u04″
BlockDevice = “/dev/vx/dsk/orashrdg/u04″
FSType = vxfs
MountOpt = rw
FsckOpt = “-y”

Mount u05_mnt (
MountPoint = “/u05″
BlockDevice = “/dev/vx/dsk/orashrdg/u05″
FSType = vxfs
MountOpt = rw
FsckOpt = “-y”

Proxy OneBillv1_proxy (
TargetResName = OneBillv1_nic

Volume au1_vol (
Volume = au1
DiskGroup = orashrdg

Volume bu1_vol (
Volume = bu1
DiskGroup = orashrdg

Volume u01_vol (
Volume = u01
DiskGroup = orashrdg

Volume u02_vol (
Volume = u02
DiskGroup = orashrdg

Volume u03_vol (
Volume = u03
DiskGroup = orashrdg

Volume u04_vol (
Volume = u04
DiskGroup = orashrdg

Volume u05_vol (
Volume = u05
DiskGroup = orashrdg

OneBillv1_vip requires OneBillv1_proxy
au1_mnt requires au1_vol
au1_mnt requires orashrdg_dg
bu1_mnt requires bu1_vol
bu1_vol requires orashrdg_dg
u01_mnt requires u01_vol
u01_vol requires orashrdg_dg
u02_mnt requires u02_vol
u02_vol requires orashrdg_dg
u03_mnt requires u03_vol
u03_vol requires orashrdg_dg
u04_mnt requires u04_vol
u04_vol requires orashrdg_dg
u05_mnt requires u05_vol
u05_vol requires orashrdg_dg

##End of

Copy, etc to the config directory

From /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config run

opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hacf -verify .

###(Fix errors as you get them)

Setting up GAB and LLT

sbin/gabconfig -U
/sbin/lltconfig -U
/sbin/lltconfig -c
/sbin/gabconfig -c -n 2
/sbin/lltconfig -a list

##Make sure Filesystems (Shared Filesystems) are commented out of the /etc/vfstab file

#Make sure each node in the cluster has the host/IP information of every other in it’s local hosts file#

Reboot the servers, bringing up the main server/node up first

On each node of the cluster

  • /sbin/vxlicinst -k <KEY>
  • /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hastop -local -force
  • /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hastart

Create Mount points on all nodes for Shared Filesystems

for i in au1 bu1 u01 u02 u03 u04 u05
if [ ! -d $i ]; then
mkdir $i

Test failovers by bringing down resources and checking the failover

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