SUMMARY: Checking network card speed

From: Alexandre Vasconcelos (
Date: Fri Aug 18 2006 - 14:48:43 EDT

I've got many replies on this, thanks.

Aug 18 08:49:35 anchova vmunix: alt0: DEGPA (1000BaseSX) Gigabit
Ethernet Interface, hardware address: 00-60-CF-21-47-3B

So far, so good.
To get network speed:
root@anchova:[/]# hwmgr get attr -cat network -a name -a media_speed

  name = alt0
  media_speed = 1000

To get more details:
hwmgr get attr -cat network | more

One little thing from command above.. I've got full_duplex=1, so the
media_speed should be 2000, right?

This cluster is on production right now and I can't get the interface
down to force it to half_duplex to test it (and force it on cisco switch
as well), I'll do this later and report the results..

Thanks again!

Alexandre Vasconcelos
Analista de Suporte

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