SUMMARY: removing clients from NIS domain

From: Derek Gatherer (
Date: Mon Sep 12 2005 - 05:53:11 EDT

Thanks to Tim Cutts, James Sainsbury, Johan Brusche, Thomas Blinn and
Dirk Kleinhesselink.

The simplest set of steps is:

1. Make sure you have a complete passwd and group file local to the
2. /sbin/init.d/nis stop
3. Edit /etc/rc.config.common to:


4. simultaneously shutdown -h now on old master server, with shutdown
-r now on client
5. when client comes back up it is a free standing machine.

That appears to be all that is absolutely necessary. There were some
suggestions about modifying /etc/svc.conf as well and also some
fuller edits of rc.config.common, but these things did not appear to
be absolutely necessary.

thanks to all


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