X11 forwarding with ssh

From: Ulrich Bernhard (ulrich.bernhard@id.unizh.ch)
Date: Mon May 23 2005 - 06:25:38 EDT

I have installed SSH Secure Shell Tru64 UNIX 3.2.0 on both systems
(server and client) and would like to forward the X11 over the ssh
After connecting I start a X application but it fails with:

X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
X connection to zuvrobot.zuvrz.unizh.ch:10.0 broken (explicit kill or
server shutdown).

I have checked that the xauthpath is correct and the ForwardX11 is set
to 'yes' on the client and on the server configuration files.

Thanks for any help.

Best regards


  | Ulrich Bernhard                                           |
  | Informatikdienste      Tel: (+41-44) 635 67 73            |
  | Universitaet Zuerich   Fax: (+41-44) 635 45 05            |
  | Winterthurerstr. 190                                      |
  | CH-8057 Zuerich        Email: ulrich.bernhard@id.unizh.ch |
  | Switzerland                                               |

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