GUI Login Problems post-restore

From: Dege, Robert C. (
Date: Wed May 04 2005 - 14:34:44 EDT

Yesterday, I restored a system from a dump tape (4.0F PK7). The dump
tape was from a working system that was on our network about a year ago.
I was able to restore the tape successfully, and recompile the kernel
without any issues. X even loads at the correct resolutions, and color

However, I am unable to successfully login to CDE as any user on the
system (including root). I can login via text mode, and through
failsafe GUI desktop. When I try to login to CDE, the system hangs at
the blue screen. I've tried numerous things, all of which failed.

.dt/errorlog.old shows this:

Workspace Manager: I/O error on display:: :0.0


.dt/startlog shows this:

--- /usr/dt/bin/Xsession starting...
--- Xsession started by dtlogin
--- Starting the checklist setup
--- Reloading host access via dxhosts
--- sourcing //.dtprofile...
--- sourcing /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/0010.dtpaths...
--- sourcing /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/0020.dtims...
--- sourcing /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/0030.dttmpdir...
--- starting /usr/dt/bin/dthello &
--- starting /usr/dt/bin/dtsearchpath
--- starting /usr/dt/bin/dtappgather &
--- execing /usr/dt/bin/dtsession with no profile...
--- Starting /usr/dt/bin/sdtdbcache -init
--- Starting /usr/dt/bin/ttsession -s
--- Starting /usr/dt/bin/dtsession
--- not sourcing //.login (see //.dtprofile)


I also verified that the sticky bit was set on the correct dt files:

# find /usr -fstype ufs -perm 4555

Any help is greatly apreciated. I feel like I'm missing something
simple, but I just can't figure out what.


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