growing a SAN Volume

From: Ulrich Bernhard (
Date: Fri Apr 22 2005 - 06:17:02 EDT

We would like to grow a volume mounted from a SAN storage EVA5000. I
have searched the internet but have found only one solution:

Unattach the volume, resize it on the SAN storage, attach the larger
volume, format the volume.

Is this really the only way, are there no other ways to grow a
filesystem without reformatting the filesystem?

Thanks for any help

Ulrich Bernhard

  | Ulrich Bernhard                                           |
  | Informatikdienste      Tel: (+41-44) 635 67 73            |
  | Universitaet Zuerich   Fax: (+41-44) 635 45 05            |
  | Winterthurerstr. 190                                      |
  | CH-8057 Zuerich        Email: |
  | Switzerland                                               |

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