adding disks to EVA disk group

From: Peter D'roque (
Date: Tue Apr 05 2005 - 09:53:25 EDT

Dear all,

 HAve a EVA5000 with two diskgroups .
 The fedault (1st ) DG has 24 (146 GB HDDS) for
 the Tru64 5.1B cluster running off a GS60 and ES80 .
  The Second Disk group is a Windows diskgroup
containing 12 ( 300GB ) FC disks , and serves 3
 MS 2003 Clusters .
 I need to add 12 more disks(300 Gb) to this second
  diskgroup , and plan to do so during off-peak hours.
 I have already inserted them into the EVA and they
 have now shown up as ungouped disks .

 I need to know the best method to add them to the
 second disk group , should i add them as pairs
  or all 12 in one go ?
 Please let me know .

 sincere regards


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