management question tracking and history of "load"

Date: Mon Aug 30 2004 - 18:47:52 EDT


Our upper management would like some kind of historical tracking of how
"busy" our Alpha servers are. I believe a very simple metric, as simple as
load average found on "uptime" will suffice. And getting load over time.
But is there a system, method, or software where I can get this kind of
data, and probably put into excel spreadsheets?

I've dabbled with performance monitor, but it seems a bit more complicated
than I would need. I don't need memory usage or hd usage, just knowing if
a computer was generally idle or busy over the days.

I'm sure this has been requested of other sysadmins out there, what have
you done to fulfil this request?

Kevin Dea
UNIX System Administrator
Alpine Electronics Research of America

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