A high numer of waiting processes after upgrading to 5.1B PK3

From: Andre.van.Benthem@achmea.nl
Date: Mon Jul 12 2004 - 06:02:58 EDT

Dear managers,

Last weekend we had a upgrade from 4.0G to 5.1B PK3 ( Alpha GS160)
I noticed this morning that there are a lot of processes in WAITING-state,
this was not the case on 4.0G
We had a similar problem on our test-server and the solution was to disable
direct I/O within oracle.

( disk_asynch_io = false and _TRU64_DIRECTIO_DISABLED
= true)

This parameter is also set on our GS160 but it seems that despite this
setting we have
the problem of a high number waiting processes.
Until now we have no complaints from users but I noticed that our backup of
oracle-archives files took a lot more time to complete than on 4.0G. (about
6 to 7 times slower than on 4.0G)

Had anyone a similar problem and evt. a solution or give a hint where to
look to find the answer for this problem ?

Regards A. van Benthem

Output from top below:

load averages: 3.01, 3.54, 3.79 10:53:21
1874 processes:4 running, 23 waiting, 623 sleeping, 1224 idle
CPU states: 12.4% user, 0.0% nice, 7.4% system, 80.1% idle
Memory: Real: 11G/16G act/tot Virtual: 222M/38818M use/tot Free: 1800M

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