LDAP Clinet

From: Cody Wang (codywang@clunet.edu)
Date: Sat Jul 03 2004 - 09:43:11 EDT

Hi Manager,

I need your help badly. I have a tru64 machine DS20 with the following:

1) OS: 5.1
2) IAELDAPSDK590 installed Mozilla LDAP SDK (Directory
3) IAELDAM590 installed Internet Express System

I brought my machine from C2 to base to make it work .
I am running openldap in another machine "Linux as a master Openldap."

I tried with another tru64 machine with the same linux server and the same
openldap and it worked. The tru64 "the working tru64 machine" has the
same version 5.1 and the same
Mozilla ldap sdk version [590] and the same internet express system
authentication version [590].

When I tried to log on to the machine with test2 account (which exists in
the openldap server but not in the password file), I got the following

Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.1 (Rev. 732)
login: test2
Permission denied
Login incorrect

The machine is still down. Any suggestions?

Cody Wang
Programmer / Analyst
California Lutheran University

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