SUUMARY : Remote dump 4.0F --->5.1A

From: Padiyath Sreekumaran (
Date: Wed Jun 30 2004 - 04:42:08 EDT

   I got a lot of replies and many thanks. I used the following
   command to write to tape:

    vdump -0uf - /|ssh psw285 "dd of=/dev/tape/tape0_d1 bs=60k"

    I hope the following command will work if there is a disk crash
    of OS 4.0F machine to restore the root and /usr FS after
    booting from CD and creating file domains. I cannot test it now.

    Execute the following commands:

    mkfdmn /dev/rz........

    mkfset .....

    mount -t advfs file_domain#name /mnt

    dd if=/dev/nrmt0h bs=60k |(cd /mnt;/sbin/vrestore -xf -)

    make the disk bootable

    with regards,

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