DNS timeout Summery

From: Joe Evans (joe.evans@kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Tue Feb 17 2004 - 08:13:07 EST

Thanks to those that responded.

The original question....

Does anyone know how to adjust the DNS client timeout?

we're having problems logging on using SSH as the server is doing a reverse
lookup and failing to retrieve anything. One solution would be to adjust
the timeout to something more acceptable.

Other suggestions would be appreciated too.

and some answers........

Use nslookup
Under nslookup>type set timeout=x
Where x is the no. of seconds.


Or simply setup the server as a dns server for the reverse zone for that ip


If the server is 'failing to retrieve anything' then my inclination would
be to fix that problem first (by populating the DNS server with the
correct information or by performing a lookup against a more reliable DNS
server). Use 'nslookup' or 'dig' to help diagnose the problem.

If the time to perform a DNS lookup is long for a genuine reason of low
network bandwidth or high latency, then I would be inclined to set-up a
caching DNS server on the machine you are attempting to connect to. This
is a relatively simple thing to do and it doesn't have much of an overhead.

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