SUMMARY: calculating elapsed time

From: Rich Glazier (
Date: Fri Feb 13 2004 - 14:21:57 EST

Thanks to Bob Marcan, Charles Ballowe, Jeff Leafey,
Paul A. Sand, Martin Adolfsson, Tim Cutts, Spider
Boardman, Peyton Bland, and J.A. Gutierrez .

Perl seemed to be the favorite, and that is what I
ended up using. A sampling of responses is included.

Here is my script for a vdump | vrestore, and to clock
the time it took. I could precede the vdump with the
“time” command, but I like this better.

#! /bin/ksh
DATE=`date +"%r %d %h %y (%a)"`
echo $DATE >> /usr/scripts/prod_on_mars.out
DATE1=`perl -e "print time()"`
/sbin/vdump -0f - /prod_on_mars | /sbin/vrestore -xf -
-D /prod
DATE2=`perl -e "print time()"`
ELTIME=$(( $DATE2 - $DATE1 ))
echo "Elapsed Time (h:m:s) =
df -k /prod /prod2 >> /usr/scripts/prod_on_mars.out
>> /usr/scripts/prod_on_mars.out
tail -49 /usr/scripts/prod_on_mars.out > /tmp/newfile
rm /usr/scripts/prod_on_mars.out
mv /tmp/newfile /usr/scripts/prod_on_mars.out
mailx -s "jupiter dump" . . .


you can always do
perl -e "print time"

or to get a newline after it:
perl -e '$x=time; print "$x\n"'

that will print seconds since epoch.

Charles Ballowe



You can install GNU date, but since you've already got
Perl on board,
try something like:

   perl -e 'print time()'

This returns the 'epoch' just like the %s flag to GNU

Here's an example of using this to calculate the run
time of a program:

     START=`perl -e "print time()"`
     END=`perl -e "print time()"`
     ELAPSED=$(( $#ND - $START ))
     echo "Program took $ELAPSED seconds to run"

It's a bit of a kludge, but it does let you do what
you need without
installing anything else. Hope that helps!

Jay Leafey
I've always just used 
    perl -e 'print time, "\n"'
(well, suitably aliased.)
-- Paul A. Sand
Using Perl: perl -e 'print time()."\n"'
Good luck.
/Martin Adolfsson
It's actually the native way UNIX keeps time, so there
are any number 
of ways to do it, all of which ultimately access the
kernel's internal 
clock.  Here's one way:
perl -e 'print time(), "\n"'
Tim Cutts 
perl -le 'print time'
Spider Boardman
--- Rich Glazier <> wrote:
> Does anyone have any good tricks for calculating
> elapsed time in Tru64?  Other OSes have a %s flag to
> the date command that is total elapsed Unix time
> (since Jan 1 1970).  Is there an equivilant in
> Tru64?
> Thanks,
> Rich
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