SUMMARY: swap space addition

From: Kevin C McCarty (
Date: Fri Jan 16 2004 - 10:40:34 EST

Martin, Alan, Tom, Denise, Steve, Jenny and all,

The problem was a 5.1 es40 with 4.5 Gb of ram and 4Gb of swap, was
increased to 10.5 Gb of ram. When an application still in development was
executed, the memory was used up from the C++ function calling all data
sets/tables from Oracle, so all the swap was used which in turn caused a
segmentation fault.

The es40 doesn't have room for any more drives, cage0 with 6 drives is
populated, (Raid5) and all partitions are used, so adding swap is not an
option. I will install another cage with 6 drives, in cage1, and then
create the additional space for swap and have enough expansion of the
existing file system to alleviate the upcoming disk space problem for

The main thing I learned is: you can't create swap on an existing disk
that has anything written on it. You can't create swap on a file system
/swap . Leave a free drive, n-1 , when building the system. And do not
except as truth any machines accepted from another company that has lost a
contract as "spec'd and running fine".

Many thanks to all of you for your quick responses and detailed examples.

Kevin McCarty
Computer Sciences Corporation
Defense Sector

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