Runaway dtscreen processes

From: Andy Malato (
Date: Fri Oct 03 2003 - 13:43:52 EDT

This morning one of our users complained that he couldn't login to his
workstation and was getting an error such as the following:

task_create() failed for pid 74380: max_proc_per_user (=256) exceeded
for uid 30525.

A ps -ef revelead about 240 processes of dtscreen:

peterp 70575 19298 0.0 00:09:11 ?? 0:00.05
/usr/dt/bin/dtexec -open 0 -ttprocid 1.-U63_ 01 19349 1342177279 1 1
30525 4_1420_1 /usr/dt/bin/dtscreen -mode worm

I am not sure what has caused this, but it doesn't seem normal. Has
anyone ever experienced something similar. If not, does anyone have any
suggestions in preventing this from happening again?



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