Memory / CPU problems

Date: Wed Aug 27 2003 - 15:12:50 EDT

I'm trying to fathom out why our GS60 is grinding to a halt. I believe
it is application, but I need to prove it. I'm also not sure whether
it's a CPU or memory problem. I have just spent 2 hours trawling the
archives and am now more confused than ever!

It is 4 processors, with 8Gb memory running TRU64 5.1a. The application
uses 'Universe' database, has 650 users, and typically a user needs about
6 - 10Mb, a few users get a little higher,

What we are seeing is, after a time (2-3 days) the performance grinds to
a halt. We do have some jobs that periodically use 60-70% CPU, but they
have been like that for years. My two main concerns are,

In 'top', I never see any CPU idle time, and I feel that 'system' is
excessively high. At the start of the week after a reboot idle time was
typically 3-5% (And users were happy)

load averages: 13.28, 13.37, 13.24
838 processes: 16 running, 1 waiting, 196 sleeping, 622 idle, 3 zombie
CPU states: 44.0% user, 0.0% nice, 55.9% system, 0.0% idle
Memory: Real: 6741M/8030M act/tot Virtual: 17359M use/tot Free: 32M

Frequently, top crashes with a memory fault.

'ps aux' shows an oddity on kernel idle, but the archives seem to suggest
that this isn't a problem.

root 0 4.2 3.5 10.2G 290M ?? R < Aug 23 03:29:37
[kernel idle]

'uptime' seems a little higher than most people experience. This was at
around 20% for each but most people have gone home now.

19:46 up 4 days, 7:31, 306 users, load average: 15.52, 14.93, 14.81

Swap seems good, in that we are not swapping, swapon -s shows,

Swap partition /dev/disk/dsk11c (default swap):
    Allocated space: 2221961 pages (16.95GB)
    In-use space: 1 pages ( 0%)
    Free space: 2221960 pages ( 99%)

Total swap allocation:
    Allocated space: 2221961 pages (16.95GB)
    Reserved space: 291467 pages ( 13%)
    In-use space: 1 pages ( 0%)
    Available space: 1930494 pages ( 86%)

sysconfigdb has

vm_swap_eager = 1

But I guess that as we are not swapping then that's not really an issue
anyway ?

One other symtom is that after a reboot the backup to an MDR fibre
channel DLT takes about 4 hours, when the machine get into this state
it's more like 10 hours +. I don't believe it's disk I/O, it's a fairly
new HSG80 Fibre SAN. Backup is done by creating and mounting a clone

I'm at a loss to know where to look next and would appreciate some input
to try and help me identify this one.


Bryan Mills.

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