summery for OpenSSl and OpenSSh / How to Install Secure Shell Ftp/Telnet Step By Step for Tru64

From: Rezk Mekhael (
Date: Tue Jul 15 2003 - 13:13:54 EDT

How To Install and setup Secure Shell on Tru64 Ver 5.X

1) Download/install Openssl "you know ./configure ----> make ----->
make install"
Location File Name openssl-0.9.7b.tar.gz

2) Downlaod/install Openssh "you know ./configure ----> make ----->
make install"
Location File Name

3) Create a home directory, group and user name "sshd"

# mkdir /var/empty
# chown root:sys /var/empty
# chmod 755 /var/empty
# groupadd sshd
# useradd -g sshd -c 'sshd privsep' -d /var/empty -s /bin/false sshd

4) create start up script called ssh ----see end of the message

5) Put the script ssh in /sbin/init.d

6) Set the protection and ownership

7) chmod 755 /sbin/init.d/ssh
8) chown root:system /sbin/init.d/ssh

9) Start sshd with /sbin/init.d start

10) To start SSH on boot place a soft link in /sbin/rc3.d

ln -s /sbin/init.d/ssh /sbin/rc3.d/S91ssh

11) test it the telnet #ssh -v -l "userName" localhost


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# Control the ssh daemon

export PATH

Pid=`/sbin/init.d/bin/getpid /usr/local/sbin/sshd -uroot`

case "$1" in
        set `who -r`
        if [ $9 = "S" ]; then
                if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/sshd ]; then
                        /usr/local/sbin/sshd -f
                        echo "ssh service started"
        if [ "X$Pid" != "X" ]
# NOTE: The first kill allows any daemons to exit gracefully.
# The second kill (-9) gets any that refused to die.

                /bin/ps -e |grep /usr/local/sbin/sshd |grep -v grep |awk
'{print $1}' |xargs kill
                sleep 5
                /bin/ps -e |grep /usr/local/sbin/sshd |grep -v grep |awk
'{print $1}' |xargs kill -9
        echo "usage: $0 {start|stop}"

Rezk Mekhael

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