Summary: Tru64 & DHCP

From: Ron Bramblett (
Date: Wed Jul 02 2003 - 16:58:02 EDT

Thanks to Vernon J. Russ, Chris Medagilia, Dr. Thomas Blinn, and Thomas Crowe.

The work around was basically to add all of the addresses to the host file since we aren't
running DNS in-house.

The svc.conf file is where it tells the server what to look at first. IE bind, or local
mine is set to look at local,bind (the DNS is offsite so that takes up the time)

Since the network admin is going to setup the DNS server on Win2000 for the Active
Directory Server I won't worry about it. (although we all know that *nix will do it better)

Thanks for your help.

Original question
My network admin just asked a question about going to DHCP.
I am running a AS2000 v4.0G

We are in the process of going to DHCP from static IP's. Currently we have about 150
windows clients with Static IP addresses.

The network admin says that when she sets up a new computer DHCP before I put the info
into my hosts files that the connection is very slow. As soon as I put the info in it
speeds it up.

How do I go about setting allowing DHCP to work??

Thanks I will summarize.

Ron Bramblett
Sys Admin
Fuller Brush Company

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