Wierd LAT problem

From: dominic christopher (dominicfree@yahoo.com)
Date: Sat Jun 14 2003 - 04:09:56 EDT

Dear Managers ,

 A AS300 Asplaserver , with Tru64 4.0F , had a
 CPU panic problem , so i changed the Motherboard.
 Note: i just replaced the motherboard& RAM, taking
 care to restore the SRM variables .

 Before replacing the mother board , Dumb terminals
 connected to DEC90l+ terminal servers on this network
 could just connect to this AS300 using lat command at
terminal server prompt , "c hostname" .
 I now get a "service unavailable " message .

 Now i can connect to all other servers using the
 same dumb terminal and 90l+.
 The said AS300 is accessible through telnet ,and
 from IP based terminal servers .
 Suspecting a LAT config issue on the AS300 , i
checked the LAT service using the latcp -d command
 lat is running , inittab is OK , rc.config is OK.
 LAt subsets are OK .

 Using latsetup i just undid and redid the lat config
 but no luck.

 Is there anything else i'm missing

 I will Summarize.

 thanks & regards


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