Tru54 UNIX V5.1B and HSZ50

From: Evelin Langner (
Date: Tue Apr 29 2003 - 09:20:04 EDT


has anybody updated the Tru64 UNIX node to V5.1B using a HSZ50?

I know that the HSZ50 isn't officially supported any longer but I am
looking to somebody who can maybe say it is still working.

I plan to update our Tru64 UNIX Cluster from V5.0A to V5.1B if possible.

Thanks for answers,
Evelin Langner

      Evelin Langner		
      HMI Berlin GmbH		|	E-mail:	
      Abt. DN			|
      Glienicker Str. 100	|	Tel.:	  +49 30 8062-2572	
      D - 14109 Berlin		|	Fax:	  +49 30 8062-2096

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