SUMMARY: SNMP trap using alternate interface source address?

From: Iain Barker (
Date: Thu Apr 03 2003 - 01:33:38 EST

Unfortunately there was no solution proposed to this problem.

HP indicated that there was indeed a dichotomy between the
application requirements (IN7) and the snmpd requirements for
snmpd on Tru64 4.0f in the scenario described.

The problem is actually solved in IN7 4.x via the use of the
'named interface' configuration, therefore snmpd could use the
main i/f and the application on an alternate i/f.

We will upgrade customers to the later IN7 version and await
results of further testing.


-----Original Message-----
From: Iain Barker []
Sent: Monday, 24 March, 2003 15:41
Subject: SNMP trap using alternate interface source address?


Does anyone know a method to force the snmp daemon to send traps with
the trap source using a value other than that of the host in /etc/hosts ?

This is AS4100 running Tru64 4.0f + TCR 1.6 on two nodes, with DE504
Ethernet and memory channel in a multi-homed configuration.

The /etc/hosts entry for hostname is set to mc0 due to an application
dependency (IN7) and the SNMP managment station is routable via one of
the tu: interfaces.

Not IP header forging, using an alternate interface for the "send from"
value within the SNMP trap body - the IP headers are correct for the tu:

Will summarise responses.


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