inetd[xxxxxxx]: ssh/tcp: bind: Address already in use

Date: Thu Mar 13 2003 - 06:48:59 EST

Dear alpha colleagues,

today's problem is that my 5.1B (1st patch) cluster (ES40 + ES45),
works fine (ssh connections are available on both members),
BUT ....
both members write the following error messages in their
daemon.debug syslog files:

............. inetd[xxxxxxx]: ssh/tcp: bind: Address already in use

where xxxxxxx is the pid of the inetd running on the specific member.
The above messages are posted exactely every 600 seconds.

I checked both members crontabs but they are not guilty.
I don't use any clusterwide crontab.
I have modified /etc/inetd.conf to use tcp_wrappers:

ssh stream tcp nowait root /sicurezza/tcp_wrapper/tcpd sshd -i

and tcp_wrappers works properly (as well as sshd which permits

At boot time sshd is automatically started on both members via
sshd is "SSH Secure Shell Tru64 UNIX 3.2.0" as found in the O.S.

I don't use CAA for connections:
caa_stat -t

Name Type Target State Host
apache2 application ONLINE ONLINE tintoretto
autofs application ONLINE ONLINE leonardo
catalina application ONLINE ONLINE tintoretto
cluster_lockd application ONLINE ONLINE tintoretto
clustercron application ONLINE ONLINE tintoretto
mysql application ONLINE ONLINE tintoretto
samba application ONLINE ONLINE tintoretto
sendmail application ONLINE ONLINE tintoretto

Can you help me?
Thank you from Italy,

$$$ Emanuele Lombardi
$$$ mail:  ENEA  CLIM  Casaccia
$$$        I-00060 S.M. di Galeria (RM)  ITALY
$$$ tel	+39 0630483366 
$$$ fax	+39 0630484264             |||
$$$                                \|/  ;_;
$$$ What does a process need        |   /"\
$$$ to become a daemon ?            |   \v/
$$$                                 |    | 
$$$ - a fork                        o---/!\---
$$$                                 |   |_|
$$$                                 |  _/ \_
$$$* Contrary to popular belief, UNIX is user friendly.
$$$  It's just very particular about who it makes friends with.
$$$* Computers are not intelligent, but they think they are. 
$$$* True programmers never die, they just branch to an odd address

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