cursor colour question Mwm vs CDE

From: Lucio Chiappetti (
Date: Tue Jan 28 2003 - 04:05:06 EST

I'm quite happily moving from my old xdm-mwm arrangement under 3.2 to a
CDE-dtwm one under 4.0 (actually I found a nice way to have an mwm-like
look-and-feel with no control panel but with the added benefit of
workspaces) ... for this I found the online documentation at very well written and useful in
pointing at the correct files and X resources, so I could locate what I
needed to customize in a much quicker and easier way than we did e.g. at
the time we used CDE under Solaris.

I am now left with a silly question for which I cannot find the proper
resource under CDE.

I'd like to set the colour of the arrow pointer which tracks the mouse
cursor movement. The usual black-with-white-borders is not very visible on
my darkish background.

Under xdm I had the following resources in .Xdefaults (they had to be
there and not in the Mwm resource file)

DXsession.pointer_background: #ff0000000000
DXsession.pointer_foreground: #0000ff000000

I did not find any similar resources mentioned in the dtwm man page, nor
there is a way to change them from the control panel (while there used to
be a way in the xdm Session Manager GUI). I tried playing around with
similar resource names like Dtwm*pointer_background in .Xdefaults and
Dtwm, but with no avail.

Any clue ?

Lucio Chiappetti - IASF/CNR - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
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