unix 5.0

From: Dave Taylor (dtaylor@wireless111.com)
Date: Fri Jan 10 2003 - 09:31:34 EST

I have a unix system running 5.0
The system runs good except it continually depletes swap space and never
regains it unless I stop and restart some webservers or just reboot.
I have allocated more that enough swap space.
I have been told that it is a process like cgi that is causing problem but
I have never been able to resolve it.
It is running apache webserver now but did the same thing when I ran
netscape enterprise.
The only cgi running is counter script, mailform (with security patch), and
stats to analyze some of the access logs.
Any help would be appeciated.

Dave Taylor
One-Eleven Internet
111 State & Broadway
Lovington, Illinois 61937
Phone: 1-888-502-4636
Fax: 217-873-5341
Tech Support: 1-888-687-3568

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