SUMMARY: 5.1 to 5.1B upgrade

Date: Wed Jan 08 2003 - 13:46:19 EST

Thanks to everyone who responded. What I have learned is:

1) It seems everone is waiting until the first AS patch kit is released
2) The PK should be released sometime in Feb.
3) There seems to be mixed information about whether you can do a direct 5.1 to 5.1B upgrade, but the "simi-oficial" word in the upgrade document states you can.


>Has anybody done this? I was told it was a "no problem" upgrade to go from 5.1 to 5.1B, but strangly I can't seem to get any real info out of my TAM, and the web page still doesn't mention 5.1B ( 5.1B has been out for a little while now, but there isn't hardly a mention of it on the web site. No splashy sales pitches, no "best practices", no anything. Makes me a little nervous.

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