Some questions regarding Alpha and Itanium

From: Robert Honore (robert@DIGI-DATA.COM)
Date: Wed Dec 18 2002 - 15:20:09 EST

Dear Fellow Managers,

I have to produce a report for my boss regarding the issues or gotchas with the
Alpha to Itanium transition. I thought I would solicit your opinions before I
proceed. My questions are as follows.

How do we decide the appropriate or best time to begin the transition?

What issues should motivate such a change?

What potential pitfalls do you see, if any? This might be a pre-mature question
given that the merging of features of HP-UX and Tru64 UNIX have only just begun.

In your honest opinion, how long do I have with Tru64/Alpha again? They really
have served well.

Yours sincerely,
Robert Honore.

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