HSZ50 and Tru64 5.1A hwmgr

From: Jay R. Wren (jrwren@oakland.edu)
Date: Tue Dec 17 2002 - 16:31:19 EST

Hello Managers,

   I'm having a little problem with Tru64 and behavior with an HSZ50
(firmware 5.7). The server is an Alpha Server 4100 running Tru64 5.1A
PK3. hwmgr doesn't seem to like it when the HSZ50 has units on a given
scsi id on different LUNs. When I say "doesn't like it" I mean a scan
scsi doesn't seem to detect the device. The HSZ50 claims to support
units of 200-207, 300-307, 400-407, 500-507. This is 28 units, 7 luns
over 4 target id's. If I am limited to not using the LUNs that drops
me to only 4 units which is close to useless.

Am I misunderstanding how the HSZ50 interfaces with Tru64? Is there
something I must to do tell hwmgr that there may be disks on a
different lun on that bus?


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