SUMMARY: Installing Tru64-UNIX

From: Paul Crittenden (
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 15:56:01 EST

Thanks to:
Pat O'Brien
Alan Davis
Thomas Sjolshagen
Blake Brehl
Lucien Hercaud

The general consensus was that a DS20 is a pci based system so the Eisa
Configuration Utility doesn't need to be run. I took the firmware to 6.3
and the raid to 2.70.

So far all appears fine.

Original Question:
>I have a DS20 which I want to do a fresh install of the OS and use as a
backup and test >machine.
> have a few questions doing this.
>First do I need to run the ECU utility on it? I don't believe I do,
because I don't think that a DS20 >has an EISA bus, but I want to be sure.
>I was only planning on installing 5.1a, since I don't want to install
5.1b until it has been out for a >while. So should I just upgrade the
firmware to 5.8 or should I go to 6.3?
>I have raid which is running 2.49, should I upgrade it to 2.70?

Paul Crittenden
Computer System Manager
Simpson College
Phone: (515)961-1680

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a
day in your life."

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