SUMMARY: FTP speed...

From: Harihar Krishnan (
Date: Tue Oct 29 2002 - 00:13:48 EST

                The original question:

> Dear FTP Experts,

> I have a problem whereby on a 100mbps full-duplex
(FD) network connection, a 115mb file takes almost
> 50minutes when transferred using FTP from a
Win2000 client to a DS20 running Tru64 v5.1 pk5. Both
> the client and the host are also set @100mbps FD.

> However, if I transfer the same file from the same
PC to a Win NT server (connected @100mbps FD)
> over the same connection (using copy-paste on a
share), it is done in 3mts. The network card on the
> Alpha m/c was changed, but in vain. Any idea why
the Alpha host could be responding intolerably slowly,
> whereas the NT server is fast?

                Thanks to all the knowledgeable ones who responded asking me
to check if the switch port on which it is connected, is auto-negotiating.
Yes, it was. And once I forced it to 100mbps as recommended, the 50minute
file transfer was achieved in 62seconds!

                Great response guys and something for the Alpha developers
to ponder, as I now need to repeat this act for all the Alpha machines I
have after TWO years of assuming that those systems are working at the Giga
or Fast Ethernet speeds supported by its NICs!!!

                Harihar K

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