Disabling r* commands

From: Jonathan Williams (jonathw@shubertorg.com)
Date: Thu Sep 26 2002 - 16:19:55 EDT

Hi. I'm trying to disable the r commands (rlogin, rsh, rexec) on our Tru64 5.1
and 5.1a systems. I'm only doing testing with a 5.1a system. I searched around
and read that all I would need to do in order to disable these services is
comment out the appropriate lines in the /etc/inetd.conf file. So I commented
out these three lines:

shell stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/rshd rshd
login stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/rlogind rlogind
exec stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/rexecd rexecd

I restarted the inetd service...and then even rebooted the machine. But I'm
still able to use these commands successfully. Is what I read incorrect? Is
there a better way to disable these commands (or better yet...is there a way to
disable these commands?) I searched on the mailing list archives, and found a
bunch of people asking this same question, but I could not find the summaries of
these topics. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA

Jonathan Williams
Unix Systems Administrator
The Shubert Organization, Inc.

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