A Mathematica Question

From: Padiyath Kumar (Kumar.Padiyath@psi.ch)
Date: Thu Sep 19 2002 - 09:58:12 EDT

   I know this is NOT a Tru64 direct question. I have installed Mathematica
4.2 on our
   Tru64 cluster. Iam running Tru64 OS version 5.1a with Patch level 2. I
can start
   mathematica on system console. But when I start from a desktop machine
   (with Microsoft Windows NT as OS) after logging to Tru64 system I get the
following error:

xset: bad font path element (#40), possible causes are:
    Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
    Directory missing fonts.dir
    Incorrect font server address or syntax

    I tried with xset command to define the Fonts without success.
    Sorry for putting this question here.


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