unique patch-ID's?

From: Timo Aaltonen (tjaalton@cc.hut.fi)
Date: Tue Sep 10 2002 - 00:34:37 EDT


  Is there a way to delete CSP/ERP's and _only_ those, because if I write
a cool script to delete those, some of the release patches get also
deleted because the patch-ID's aren't unique... (which, IMHO is pretty
stupid). Dupatch takes those ID's as 0414 etc, so there is no way of
telling dupatch to delete only patches, that have a 'C' in their names.

for instance:

replicant log 11 # setld -i |grep -i osfpat|grep 537
OSFPAT00053700520 installed Patch: Security (SSRT1-40U,
SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-48U)(Security Related Patches)
OSFPATC0053700520 installed Patch: Fix for SSRT2191, quot
(Security Related Patches)

dupatch -delete ..... -patch 537 , would delete both patches.. which is
hardly what I'd want.

Does anyone have a solution to this, or should dupatch be fixed?

_______________/Timo Aaltonen <http://www.hut.fi/~tjaalton>
Work: HUT-Computing Centre - UNIX, GSM +358-40-5549 618

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