Securing Tru64 5.1a

From: Georgette, Danielle (
Date: Tue Aug 27 2002 - 08:53:01 EDT

Good morning all,

I'm in the process of locking down a webfacing tru64 5.1a install and I'd
like to ask all the same questions that were previously asked in this post:

Quickly, these are:

-Can we safely disable evmd or being able to run it without it opening a
port, and what are the implications of doing so ?
-Is there an impact to not starting smsd, I haven't installed any graphical
sysadmin subsets so its useless on this machine anyway.
-Not starting smauth.
-Need to work out where the java process AuthenticationServer is started
from and disable it.

All access will be command line from the console or ssh.

Can anyone help or did the original poster get any informative replies ?


Danielle Georgette
Unix Admin
Department of Education and Training,
NSW, Australia

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