Summary: trucluster trouble with niffd error message in clusterco nsole

From: Schwarzkugler, Bernd (
Date: Fri Aug 09 2002 - 07:26:22 EDT


Clusterconsole lights yellow for network.

Message from niffd:
niffd: alt2 has declared a connectivity alert with network via
interface alt2


A "connectivity alert" and "yellow" state merely indicate that
NIFF has not seen any traffic on the interface within a given
time period (the "t1" period in NIFF terminology, see nifftmt(7)
man page). It does not indicate an interface failure.

The alert event causes niffd to attempt to generate traffic on the
interface in question. If successful, NIFF will see the traffic
and return the interface to "green" state. On a quiet network,
the interface will cycle between green and yellow (yellow because
of lack of traffic, green when niffd generates traffic).

We do not recommend disabling NIFF monitoring of network
interfaces in a cluster as that reduces the cluster's
ability to work around a failed interface.

thanks to:
Jack McCann
Paul Henderson

Bernd Schwarzkugler
UNIX Spezialist
IBEX Digitale Systeme AG
Tel: 08207-9611-418

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