SUMMARY: sed question, remove ^M

From: Brehl, Blake (
Date: Mon Jul 29 2002 - 16:58:59 EDT

This list is great! 17 quick replies!!!! Thanks to:

9 reply's: :%s/<ctrl-v><ctrl-m>//g On the screen you
will see :%s/^M//g

Ashish Tripathi: cat file name | col -b > new file name

Phil Farrell: tr -d '\015' < infile > outfile
Lucas Carey: perl -i -pe 's/\r$//' [filename] or....
                        perl -i.orig -pe 's/\r$//' [filename] saves a copy
as filename.orig

Richard: strings windoze_file >> unix_file

Dan Price: :1,$s/.$//g

Roger Moody mwrite [-mntv] unixfile msdosfile

Fred Cassirer perl "unix2dos" script (below)

Thanks to all that replied!

Best Regards, Blake

Blake Brehl
Anritsu Company United States
Morgan Hill, CA

<<<from Fred Cassirer>>>
This perl script, I call "unix2dos" works. With
one line of change, it can be dos2unix, just remove the s/$/\015/; line in

Have fun.

        my $verbose = 0;
        while ($_ = $ARGV[0], /^-/) {
                last if /^--$/;
                /^-v/ && $verbose++;

        foreach (@ARGV)
                    print "Dose^M'ing $_\n" if ($verbose);

        sub stripcr {
                    my ($file) = @_;

                    if (-T $file)
                        open(FILE,"<$file") || die "Can't open $file: $!";
                       open(TMP,">$file.$$") || die "Can't open $file.$$: $!";

                        while (<FILE>)
        # Remove the following line to create ^M stripped file, i.e.,
        # dos2unix instead of unix2dos
                            print TMP "$_\n";
                        unlink "$file";
                        rename "$file.$$","$file";
                        print STDERR "Warning: $file appears to be binary,
no changes made\n";

Hello, Admin's,
our better half over the pond has delivered a file that was edited with a
Windows based editor, which has left the "^M" characters (return of line?)
at the end of each line:
        spec :^M
I've attempted several sed commands to remove these with no luck:
, but I'm sure I've seen this done. Can anyone help with the correct syntax?

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