SUMMARY: 3X-KZPEA-DB SCSI Adapter and DS20E 6/833 MHz

From: Schwarzkugler, Bernd (
Date: Wed Jul 24 2002 - 05:24:02 EDT

Orginal Question:

Is the 3X-KZPEA-DB SCSI adapter supported with dual 6/833 Mhz cpus on a
According to hp online Information it was unclear to me.


Trust this information in this case.

The machines are running within 4 days without any scsi errors and there is
a lot of traffic
on it.

Thanks to:

My techedit and a pre-sales support consultant from hp
Phillips, Blair
Dr Thomas.Blinn

Bernd Schwarzkugler
UNIX Spezialist
IBEX Digitale Systeme AG
Tel: 08207-9611-418

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