Moving cluster root and boot disk

From: Raymond Pang (
Date: Thu Jun 20 2002 - 05:32:42 EDT

Hi Guru,

We have a 3-member 5.1A cluster. All member boot and cluster root disks
are sitting in HSZ40. Each is protected by individual mirror set (2x4G).
Now, we are planning to move all of this to a mirror set (2x36G
4-partition) in HSG80.

Could anybody give me some advices on how this could be done safely
and without interruption to the cluster services?

On the other hand, we are thinking about the redundance of these critical
disks. We have another HSZ70. So, one option is to put each member boot
disk on different HSX, and use LSM to mirror the cluster root to other
HSZ. In case if the whole HSG goes down, cluster still have sufficient
votes to survive. Does it work or is there any better solution?

Thanks in advance.


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