Taming/Driving an App on Tru64

From: Paul Thresher (PThresher@mercy.com.au)
Date: Wed Jun 05 2002 - 22:01:09 EDT

Dear collegues,

I am sorry if this is a little off topic, but I am kind of desparate.

I have not had to cut C code for quite some time and I am a little rusty.

I have a character based application running via caa on a Tru64/TruCluster
5.1 2 Node (2xGS60) cluster. This app. runs at many of our hospital, and is
a little feral at present. (Vendor has no ideas)

 I need to encapsulate the app under program control.

ie. I need to write a program that can start the program, read its output as
input to my program (it uses cursor positioning and all that stuff) and
repond to its prompts and fill data fields.

I can provide input to the app or I can collect output from the app, however
I have not been able to do both in order to "run" the app under program

Any assistants would be greatly appreciated

Paul Thresher

Manager - Unix Systems & Services
Mercy Health & Aged Care

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