Summary: Nis question (netgroup)

From: Darryl Cook (
Date: Thu May 16 2002 - 07:44:38 EDT

Thanks to Grant Ward, Pat O'Brien, Jan Schepers, Lucio Chiappetti, David
Ross, Richard Westlake, Bob Vickers, Lucien Hercaud, Steve Herber and
Joseph Senulis for the following :

Original Question: How to configure NIS so that only certain NIS users
can login to certain clients.

Answer: Set up a netgroup on the master by creating the following in
the /var/yp/src/netgroup file map.
groupname1 (,user1,) (,user2,) etc
groupname2 (,user1,) (,user2,) etc

then on the client side remove the +:: or +:* from the end of the passwd
file and replace it with +@groupname1 or groupname2. Put a -:*.* after
that so that nothing else can be allowed.


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