Does PC NetLink Work with Active Directory??

From: Dave Martini (
Date: Thu Apr 17 2003 - 12:38:52 EDT

We have an PC domain that is an active directory domain. Our domain
name is epd but we don't have a PDC (Primary Domain Controller) as I understand
it (This is what my NT administrator has explained to me) All our PC clients arerunning windows 2000. Our main PC server is running Windows 2000 server.

When I try the joindomain command as shown below it fails when I put the name
of the domain in. Does anyone know if PC NetLink version 2.0 works with Active Directory? Is it wanting the name of a PDC on this question or a domain?

Thanks Much.
Dave Martini

The Solaris (TM) PC NetLink Server configuration utility (joindomain)
allows you to specify the server name, the domain name, and the server's
role within that domain. Each time you run this utility, the server
will be stopped and the user accounts database and associated files will
be re-initialized. All data currently in those files will be replaced.

Do you want to continue [y/n]? y
Solaris (TM) PC NetLink Server provides a NETLOGON service which
simplifies the administration of multiple servers. A single user
accounts database can be shared by multiple servers grouped together
into an administrative collection called a domain. Within a domain, each
server has a designated role. A single server, called the primary domain
controller, manages all changes to the user accounts database and
automatically distributes those changes to other servers, called backup
domain controllers, within the same domain. You must now supply a server
name (the name which this server will be known on the network), the role
that this server will perform in that domain (primary, backup, or
member), and a domain name.

The current name of this server is (hostname).

Would you like to change this name now [y/n]? n

Enter role ('primary', 'backup', or 'member'): member

This server will become a member server.

The domain that this server will join is named (HOST_DOM).

Would you like to change this domain name now [y/n]? y

Enter new domain name (15 characters or less): epd
The primary domain controller for 'domain' cannot be reached.

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