Openwin/SSH - Problem

From: Martin Christian (
Date: Mon Apr 07 2003 - 16:01:06 EDT

Once again I try to find someone having a solution for my problem. It's
a Java related problem, but on the OS-site, I guess.
We are running let's say a Solaris7 workgroup server and some SuSE Linux
clients. Both sites have a German keyboard layout and locale.

If you login directly into the server all keymappings work fine,
especially those with the AltGr-key.

If you login via OpenSSH_3.4p1 from one of the Linux clients the
AltGr-key doesn't work in Java-Swing. Since you need it to produce
charakters like "@", "[", "]", "{" or "}" it's quite an anoying problem.
Alt-Gr works in the shell, with X-Apps and with Java-AWT, but not with
And it doesn't matter if you use java1.2 or java1.4.0 or java1.4.1 -
that's what I tried.

OpenSSH_3.4p1 runs on boths sides - at one as server, at the other as

I suppose it has something todo with the "pseudo X-Server" ssh creates
when using x-forwarding and that there is no OpenWindows environment.

I nobody knows anything it would be at least satisfying, if someone else
is experiencing the same problem.

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