Jumpstart Profile (if second disk doesn't exist OR exists)

From: Chris Denneen (sunmanagers@ghostspace.com)
Date: Wed Feb 26 2003 - 12:06:42 EST

Currently I have the following as a profile:

# standard.profile
# Standard Jumpstart Profile
install_type initial_install
system_type standalone
partitioning default
cluster SUNWCall
cluster SUNWCapache delete
cluster SUNWCabi delete
cluster SUNWCperl delete
package SUNWbash
filesys c1t0d0s0 1000 / logging
filesys c1t0d0s1 1000 swap logging
filesys c1t0d0s3 1000 /var logging,noatime
filesys c1t0d0s4 1000 /opt logging
filesys c1t0d0s6 free /usr logging
filesys c1t1d0s0 all /data logging,noatime
geo N_America

is there anyway that i can do some sort of IF option for the second disk?

filesys c1t1d0s0 all /data logging,noatime

so if c1t1d0 doesn't exist.. it just continues.. if it does.. it will format
entire disk as /data??

Thanks for the help.

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