formatting a 73gb drive?

From: Dave Encisco (
Date: Fri Jan 31 2003 - 12:58:04 EST


I can't find any information in the archives with regards to
formatting a drive larger than 36gb (Solaris 2.8).

I have a Seagate 73LP which the format tool recognizes the model
number, cylinders and heads, but not the sectors/track. Even when I
enter the configuration manually I can only get this drive to be
recognized as a 36gb drive. The sectors/track limitation seems to be
around 200; the configuration for the drive is 776.

I've looked at the SUN patches and haven't found anything regarding
the formatting utility; nor anything regarding drive size limitations
for 2.8.

I'd really be grateful for any insight or leads. I also would be
interested if the size limitation is increased in the 2.9 release?

Much thanks!
sunmanagers mailing list

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