Solaris 8 sparc bindsock helper application is missing

From: andrea.soliva (
Date: Sun Dec 29 2002 - 10:50:12 EST


The heart case is to built up a minimal Solaris 8 configuration for
compilation and installation of lotus notes 6!

now I buil up an solaris 8 sparc installation on a ultra 5 with a symbios
scsi card an on each scsi channel a multipack. Also disksuite is installied
for mirroring. The latest cluster (november 2002) is installed. The
installation was done as core and then with several modification (for
compilation etc.). After these modification the system shows following
packages installed:

system SFWaconf autoconf - GNU autoconf
system SFWamake automake - GNU automake
system SFWgcc gcc - GNU Compiler Collection
system SFWgcmn gcmn - Common GNU package
system SFWgm4 GNU m4 - macro processor
system SUNWadmr System & Network Administration Root
system SUNWarc Archive Libraries
system SUNWarcx Archive Libraries (64-bit)
system SUNWbcp SunOS 4.x Binary Compatibility
system SUNWbtool CCS tools bundled with SunOS
system SUNWbtoox CCS libraries bundled with SunOS (64-bit)
system SUNWbzip The bzip compression utility
system SUNWcar Core Architecture, (Root)
system SUNWcarx Core Architecture, (Root) (64-bit)
system SUNWcg6 GX (cg6) Device Driver
system SUNWcg6x GX (cg6) Device Driver (64-bit)
system SUNWcsd Core Solaris Devices
system SUNWcsl Core Solaris, (Shared Libs)
system SUNWcslx Core Solaris Libraries (64-bit)
system SUNWcsr Core Solaris, (Root)
system SUNWcsu Core Solaris, (Usr)
system SUNWcsxu Core Solaris (Usr) (64-bit)
system SUNWdfb Dumb Frame Buffer Device Drivers
system SUNWeridx Sun RIO 10/100 Mb Ethernet Drivers (64-bit)
system SUNWesu Extended System Utilities
system SUNWgzip The GNU Zip (gzip) compression utility
system SUNWhea SunOS Header Files
system SUNWhmd SunSwift SBus Adapter Drivers
system SUNWhmdx SunSwift SBus Adapter Drivers (64-bit)
system SUNWipc Interprocess Communications
system SUNWipcx Interprocess Communications (64-bit)
system SUNWkey Keyboard configuration tables
system SUNWkvm Core Architecture, (Kvm)
system SUNWkvmx Core Architecture (Kvm) (64-bit)
system SUNWlibC Sun Workshop Compilers Bundled libC
system SUNWlibCx Sun WorkShop Bundled 64-bit libC
system SUNWlibm Sun WorkShop Bundled libm
system SUNWlibms Sun WorkShop Bundled shared libm
system SUNWlmsx Sun WorkShop Bundled 64-bit shared libm
system SUNWloc System Localization
system SUNWlocx System Localization (64-bit)
system SUNWm64 M64 Graphics System Software/Device Driver
system SUNWm64x M64 Graphics System Software/Device Driver
system SUNWmdr Solstice DiskSuite Drivers
system SUNWmdu Solstice DiskSuite Commands
system SUNWmdx Solstice DiskSuite Drivers(64-bit)
system SUNWnamos Northern America OS Support
system SUNWowbcp OpenWindows binary compatibility
system SUNWpd PCI Drivers
system SUNWpdx PCI Drivers (64-bit)
system SUNWpl5u Perl 5.005_03
system SUNWrmodu Realmode Modules, (Usr)
system SUNWscbcp SPARCompilers Binary Compatibility Libraries
system SUNWscpr Source Compatibility, (Root)
system SUNWscpu Source Compatibility, (Usr)
system SUNWsprot Solaris Bundled tools
system SUNWsprox Sun WorkShop Bundled 64-bit make library
system SUNWswmt Install and Patch Utilities
system SUNWtoo Programming Tools
system SUNWtoox Programming Tools (64-bit)
system SUNWxcu4 XCU4 Utilities

Importante configuration about services are:

last line in /etc/init.d/inetsvc was deactivated > #/usr/sbin/inetd -s &
the file and the link for inetd.conf was removed > /etc/inet/inetd.conf and

The ps command shows after several modifications following active processes:

    root 0 0 0 18:00:09 ? 0:10 sched
    root 1 0 0 18:00:10 ? 0:00 /etc/init -
    root 2 0 0 18:00:10 ? 0:00 pageout
    root 3 0 0 18:00:10 ? 0:02 fsflush
    root 346 1 0 18:01:29 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/saf/sac -t 300
    root 349 346 0 18:01:30 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/saf/ttymon
    root 46 1 0 18:00:30 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/sysevent/syseventd
    root 48 1 0 18:00:30 ? 0:00
    root 347 1 0 18:01:29 console 0:00 /usr/lib/saf/ttymon -g -h -p
topos console login: -T sun -d /dev/console -l co
    root 130 1 0 18:01:15 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/utmpd
    root 120 1 0 18:01:14 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/cron
    root 118 1 0 18:01:14 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/syslogd

Then I was preparing the installation for Lotus Notes 6 from original CD
with the script command:

/cdrom/sunspa/install -script /root/filename.dat

the file filename.dat included following information:

target_hosts = ("topos")
installation_type = 0
template_install_option = 1
asp_install_option = 0
add_data_directories_only = 0
program_directory = "/opt/lotus"
data_UNIX_user = "msnotes"
data_UNIX_group = "msnotes"
data_directories: "/export/notesdata" {
      data_UNIX_user = "msnotes"
      data_UNIX_group = "msnotes"

Installation will end without errors!

After that I prepared a a profile (-record) with the informatin required and
installed that profile with the command server -listen on the Lotus Notes
server. It will occour no error all OK. Then I logged in with the notes user
and was starting the server:


after that all services pop3, smtp etc I will see under ps command but the
starting process goes in a loop with following errors "in" the active start

12/28/2002 17:34:31 Listener task for port TCPIP is suspending for 20
seconds due to listen errors
12/28/2002 17:34:51 Error on Listen function: 'bindsock' helper
application is missing, not executable, not owned by root, or not setuid
12/28/2002 17:34:51 Error on Listen function: 'bindsock' helper
application is missing, not executable, not owned by root, or not setuid
12/28/2002 17:34:51 Error on Listen function: 'bindsock' helper
application is missing, not executable, not owned by root, or not setuid
12/28/2002 17:34:51 Listener task for port TCPIP is suspending for 20
seconds due to listen errors

I controlled several things but I couldn't find a solution......any ideas
what is missing! Missing a package?

kind regards

Andrea Soliva
sunmanagers mailing list

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