Perl modules question

From: Carlos Sevillano (
Date: Wed Dec 11 2002 - 14:53:07 EST

Solaris 2.6
Perl 5005.03/5.60
Perl 5.6.1

I have an old system running perl 5005.03.
At some point someone updated perl, just the
perl binaries and libraries to Perl 5.60
(perl -v shows 5.60 - Pkginfo shows perl
5005.03). I am building a new system and
need to migrate what they have perl-wise to
the new system running Perl 5.6.1.

The problem is that I ran into a buch of
modules that were available under 5005.03
that I have to update on the new
installation. These modules work with the
Perl DBI and Perl DBD and many custom perl
modules to act as an "application".

What is the right way to migrate all these
modules? Do I have to collect them from the
CPAN and do a a native install ... can they
be copied from the old system to the new
one? Here are the modules in question:


The modules are not part of the standard
Perl distribution, they are not available on
the clean perl installation (some of them
like Tie are, however, the SecureHash part
is not). Can I just copy everything by hand
from the old machine? I am not sure why,
however, some of them are on multiple
locations on the old machine:

        old system:
        Tie::SecureHash; =




        Net::Ping; =

        Net::Telnet::Cisco; =




        Net::FTP; =



        Proc::ProcessTable; =




        Date::Calc; =



        Data::Dumper; =




One more question... how does perl know
where these modules are located.? I know
how perl is calling them Use Net::Dumper. I
am not sure how perl knows that the
Data:Dumper module is in any of the four
paths mentioned below?

        Data::Dumper; =




Is that information built into perl when you
compile the module using "perl Makefile.PL;
make, make test; and make install"?


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