Cron Problem [Update]

From: J. Alexander Jacocks (
Date: Mon Nov 25 2002 - 23:41:43 EST

In answer to what many helpful people have been asking, the user, in this instance, is root. Root is in cron/at.allow and all other users are in cron/at.deny.


>I have an interesting/frustrating cron problem, which searching through the archives
>of this list doesn't seem to address. Unfortunately, this is keeping me from taking
> a new server production.
>Cron refuses to execute any user's crontab, replying with a "! bad user (<username>)"
>message in /var/cron/log. I have check password aging, and RBAC, and can't seem to
>find a reason. Here's what I have:
>0-59 * * * * touch /tmp/test
>excerpt from /var/cron/log:
>> CMD: touch /tmp/test
>> root 12060 c Mon Nov 25 17:57:00 2002
>! bad user (root) Mon Nov 25 17:57:00 2002
>< root 12060 c Mon Nov 25 17:57:00 2002 rc=1
>truss output from the process:
>read(3, 0x0002DF0C, 26) (sleeping...)
> Received signal #14, SIGALRM, in read() [caught]
>read(3, 0x0002DF0C, 26) Err#4 EINTR
>sigaction(SIGALRM, 0xFFBEF478, 0xFFBEF4F8) = 0
>time() = 1038247020
>stat64("/etc/cron.d/queuedefs", 0xFFBEFB08) = 0
>stat64("/tmp", 0xFFBEE8E8) = 0
>access("/tmp", 3) = 0
>getpid() = 11945 [1]
>lstat64("/tmp/croutBAAP4aivx", 0xFFBEE7E8) Err#2 ENOENT
>open64("/etc/.name_service_door", O_RDONLY) = 4
>fcntl(4, F_SETFD, 0x00000001) = 0
>door_info(4, 0xFF1C06D0) Err#9 EBADF
>close(4) = 0
>open("/etc/user_attr", O_RDONLY) = 4
>fstat64(4, 0xFFBEDD30) = 0
>brk(0x00037160) = 0
>brk(0x00039160) = 0
>ioctl(4, TCGETA, 0xFFBEDCBC) Err#25 ENOTTY
>read(4, " # C o p y r i g h t ".., 8192) = 271
>llseek(4, 0, SEEK_CUR) = 271
>close(4) = 0
>open("/etc/project", O_RDONLY) = 4
>fstat64(4, 0xFFBEE508) = 0
>ioctl(4, TCGETA, 0xFFBEE494) Err#25 ENOTTY
>read(4, " s y s t e m : 0 : : : :".., 8192) = 78
>close(4) = 0
>time() = 1038247020
>time() = 1038247020
>fork() = 12060
>time() = 1038247020
>write(2, " >", 1) = 1
>write(2, " C M D : ", 7) = 7
>write(2, " t o u c h / t m p / t".., 15) = 15
>write(2, "\n", 1) = 1
>write(2, " > ", 3) = 3
>write(2, " r o o t", 4) = 4
>write(2, " ", 1) = 1
>write(2, " 1 2 0 6 0", 5) = 5
>write(2, " c ", 3) = 3
>write(2, " M o n N o v 2 5 1".., 24) = 24
>write(1, "\n", 1) = 1
>time() = 1038247020
>time() = 1038247020
>time() = 1038247020
>fstat64(3, 0xFFBEFA10) = 0
>alarm(1) = 0
>wait() = 12060 [0x0100]
>alarm(0) = 1
>uname(0xFFBEF4A0) = 1
>time() = 1038247020
>write(2, " < ", 3) = 3
>write(2, " r o o t", 4) = 4
>write(2, " ", 1) = 1
>write(2, " 1 2 0 6 0", 5) = 5
>write(2, " c ", 3) = 3
>write(2, " M o n N o v 2 5 1".., 24) = 24
>write(2, " r c =", 4) = 4
>write(2, " 1", 1) = 1
>write(1, "\n", 1) = 1
>lstat64("/tmp/croutBAAP4aivx", 0xFFBEF408) Err#2 ENOENT
>fstat64(3, 0xFFBEF910) = 0
>time() = 1038247020
>alarm(60) = 0
>read(3, 0x0002DF0C, 26) (sleeping...)
>Any help would be greatly appreciated! I'll summarize to the list.
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