18" FPD

From: Wolfgang Schwurack (wolf@uen.org)
Date: Fri Nov 22 2002 - 19:01:50 EST

We just bought some 18" Flat Panel Display for our SunRay 1. I unable to
keep good resolution/refresh rate on the SunRay 1. When the sunray was
connect to a 21" monitor the display looked great. Now that the sunray
is connected to the 18" Flat Panel it is fuzzies. When I have the same
Flat Panel connected to a Utlra 60 the display is very clear. When on
the sunray the resolution seem to default 1152x900. I run the command
/opt/SUNWut/utsettings which I can the resolution 1280x1024 which clears
up the display a little bit but I don't get a full screen, it's like
having a 15" screen.
Has anyone had this type of problem before?


Wolfgang Schwurack
Unix System Administrator
University of Utah/Utah Education Network
Tel: (801) 587-9444
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