SUMMARY: Patch Pro problems

From: Alex Stade (
Date: Wed Oct 16 2002 - 17:40:07 EDT

Brett Monroe replied to me saying that he had seen the same thing. So
this prompted me to write a quick script which wraps pprosvc, rather
than running it directly. This script can be run from cron. It's a bit
kludgy, but I am checking to see if I am in single user mode and then I
manually apply the patches. Again, very ugly, but it gets the job done.

Here's the script.


touch /tmp/$$.tmp
touch /tmp/$$.out

        /opt/SUNWppro/bin/pprosvc -i > /tmp/$$.tmp 2>&1

        /opt/SUNWppro/bin/pprosvc -i > /tmp/$$.tmp 2>&1
        ni=`grep 'Not an installable patch type' /tmp/$$.tmp | sed
        rn=`grep 'Patch requirement for this patch is not met'
/tmp/$$.tmp | sed 's/.*\([0-9]\{6\}-[0-9]\{2\}\)/\1/'`
        for pn in $ni ; do
                (cd /tmp && jar xf
/var/spool/pkg/patchproSequester/$pn.jar && patchadd $pn && rm -rf $pn)
>> /tmp/$$.out 2>&1
        for pr in $rn ; do
                (cd /tmp && jar xf
/var/spool/pkg/patchproSequester/$pr.jar && patchadd $pr && rm -rf $pr)
>> /tmp/$$.out 2>&1

case `who -r | awk '{ print $3 }'` in
                route add default `cat /etc/defaultrouter` 1
                echo "Not a compatible runlevel: `who -r | awk '{ print
$3 }'`"
                exit 1

cp $$.tmp /var/tmp/ppro_run.`date +%Y%m%s`
cat $$.out >> /var/tmp/ppro_run.`date +%Y%m%s`
#rm /tmp/$$.*

Alexander Stade		200 W. Jackson Blvd Suite 2300
Systems Administrator	Chicago, IL 60606
TradeLink L.L.C.	Phone - 312.264.2000 ext. 2027		Fax   - 312.264.2001
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